Trading Guide (Copy Trader)

What is SocialFi trading?

SocialFi trading on Godex enables any user to copy the running portfolios of listed lead traders. As a copy trader, your positions will automatically follow the lead traders’ positions in real-time onchain, gaining insight to their strategies, market assessment, and decision-making, without having to initiate the activities yourself.

Managing Account Balances for SocialFi Trading

To ensure that SocialFi trading is not interrupted, copy traders must enter the amount of funds they wish to use for the portfolio they are copying. This prevents assets from being withdrawn, transferred out, or used for other trading activities during the copy trading process.

Users can also add or remove assets from the running portfolio and review related transfers on the platform's history page.

How to start spot copy trading?

1. Log in to your Godex account and select [Social Trade] tab.

2.Choose your preferred portfolio. Select [Copy Trading] to start.

Setting up your spot copy trading preferences

Select the [Lead Trader] tab to set your copy trading preferences based on ‘Fixed Ratio’ mode, where your orders will be allocated in proportion to the orders of the leading trader. Select the [Investment Ratio] tab to set your copy trading preferences in ‘Fixed Amount’ mode, where orders will be purchased at a set amount.

Requirements and limitations for copy traders

  • Minimum balance required is 10 or 100 USDT, depending on the mode you choose (Investment Ratio)

  • Copy up to 10 portfolios simultaneously per user.

How to stop copying a running portfolio?

What are the risks associated with copy trading?

All investments carry a certain degree of risk. In copy trading, if the strategy you follow is unsuccessful, you may lose your investments. You may also face the risk of slippage during a volatile market or if the assets traded have low liquidity. Therefore, you should take risk control and invest rationally within your financial ability.

Last updated