Trading Guide (Lead Traders)

We will review your level to see if you meet the criteria for the next level.

What is SocialFi trading?

SocialFi trading on Godex enables any user to copy the running portfolios of listed lead traders. As a copy trader, your positions will automatically follow the lead traders’ positions in real-time onchain, gaining insight to their strategies, market assessment, and decision-making, without having to initiate the activities yourself.

Minimum simple requirements:

  • You must have achieved Partnership Level.1 >More details

  • The asset amount for a spot copy trading portfolio must be between 500 USDT and 250,000 USDT.

Level criteria

Trader levelTrade typeLead assets (USDT)Copy tradersInvest limitsProfit sharing

Basic Lv.0

SocialFi Trading

≥ 500

≥ 50 users

> 100,000


Bronze Lv 1

SocialFi Trading

≥ 10,000

< 100 users

< 200,000


Silver Lv 2

SocialFi Trading

≥ 50,000

< 300 users

< 1,500,000


Gold Lv 3

SocialFi Trading

≥ 100,000

< 1,000 users

< 5,000,000


Legend Lvl 4

SocialFi Trading

≥ 200,000

< 3,000 users

< 10,000,000


Be a Lead Trader.

Set up your lead trader profile. Enter a nickname, portfolio description, and choose [Whale Vault] as the lead trade type. Then, enter the amount to transfer from your Wallet to your Lead Trader account (minimum 500 USDT, maximum 250,000 USDT) and payment Apply Fee ($50 USDT). Click [Confirm]

How to lead trade?

Log in to your lead trader ID Wallet and click [Start Leading].

Requirements and limitations for lead traders

  • The asset amount for a spot copy trading portfolio must be between 500 USDT and 250,000 USDT.

  • Each user can only have 1 lead trader account for Whale Vault.

Last updated